Active Alerts

If you are experiencing a water, power, or sewer emergency or service problem call our 24-hour hotline at 3-1-1 or (415) 701-2311 from outside SF or log on at Learn more or review active service alerts.

Website Privacy Notice

Information collected and stored automatically

We analyze user traffic patterns on our web portal from information automatically provided by your browser when you visit our site. This information includes the IP address of your computer or network, the date, time, and page you visited on our site, your browser and operating system, and the referring page (the last webpage you visited before clicking on a link to our site).

We use the aggregated information from all of our visitors to measure server performance and improve the content of our site.

We sometimes track the keywords that are entered into our search engine to measure interest in specific topics, but we do not track which terms a particular user enters.

We use "session cookies" in the operation of the website. These cookies do not collect personal information and disappear after you leave our website

Information provided by you

When you provide your personal information (such as name, address, phone number, company name, or question) by filling out our optional online feedback form it may be shared with City and County of San Francisco employees and contractors for the purpose of answering your question or improving this website. From time to time we may also use your email address to send you information and updates about the SFPUC. You may opt out of receiving unwanted email at any time. We will not give or sell your individual information to any outside company for its use in marketing or solicitation.

Links to other sites

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission uses link and search capabilities to navigate publicly available information from dozens of agencies that are not part of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission web site. The privacy policies and procedures described here do not necessarily apply to those sites. We suggest contacting these sites directly for information on their data collection and distribution policies.

Site security

We monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or to otherwise cause damage to the site. Anyone using this website expressly consents to such monitoring.