Active Alerts

If you are experiencing a water, power, or sewer emergency or service problem call our 24-hour hotline at 3-1-1 or (415) 701-2311 from outside SF or log on at Learn more or review active service alerts.
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission affirms and commits to the goals of environmental justice to prevent, mitigate, and lessen disproportionate environmental impacts of its activities on communities in all SFPUC service areas and to ensure that public benefits are shared across all communities. Environmental Justice Policy - October 2009
OneWater SF Vision The SFPUC has adopted a truly innovative approach to making the most of our limited water, energy, financial, and human resources through OneWaterSF. The term “one water” has been used throughout the water industry for several years and is defined by the Water Research Foundation as “an integrated planning and implementation approach to managing finite water resources for long-term resiliency and reliability, meeting both community and ecosystem needs.” At the SFPUC we’re doing “one water” a little differently than many utilities. We define resources broadly to include water
The SFPUC recognizes the importance of effective and accurate communication to customers and ratepayers. It is our policy to provide Limited English Proficient (LEP) San Francisco residents with timely and effective access to agency services and programs. LEP refers to those people who have a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English. All LEP ratepayers conducting business with or receiving services from the SFPUC will be provided free interpretive services by bilingual staff or through one of our translation consultants. Our Language Access policy is consistent with the
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission affirms and commits to the goal of developing an inclusive and comprehensive community benefits program to better serve and foster partnership with communities in all SFPUC service areas and to ensure that public benefits are shared across all communities. The SFPUC acknowledges its responsibility to develop a community benefits program that is intentional in its participation and support programs and projects that are designed to benefit the community, is centrally coordinated within the SFPUC, applies to all of SFPUC's operations and its
Our latest Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) provides examples of how we have continued to build on our strengths -- rebuilding water and wastewater infrastructure; advancing green power and environmental initiatives; leading the way in delivering clean, efficient services now and into the future. PAFR FY 2022-2023 PAFR FY 2021-2022 PAFR FY 2020-2021 PAFR FY 2019-2020 PAFR FY 2018-2019 The Government Finance Officers Association has awarded us the prestigious Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting for each fiscal year since 2010.
The SFPUC owns and operates transmission and distribution assets within and outside of San Francisco but relies on PG&E for delivery to most of its customers in San Francisco for both Hetch Hetchy Power and CleanPowerSF. This report identifies and describes three options the City can consider to ensure San Francisco customers with clean, safe, reliable, and affordable power: Limited Independence Targeted Investment for More Independence Acquire PG&E Assets for Full Independence Read the Report
Investing Locally Pays Dividends As one of the City’s largest employers, the SFPUC is fostering a skilled and diverse local workforce that manages our water, power and sewer operations and is connected to the communities we all call home. Our workforce development programs connect local youth and adults with learning, apprenticeship, job training, employment, and business opportunities. These programs support a strong, inclusive, local economy and a skilled, diverse, local workforce for today and tomorrow. Youth Work Programs: Getting a Head Start We believe in engaging with our service area